We don't stop hiking because we grow old, we grow old because we stop hiking. -- Finis Mitchell

Issues facing National Parks

National Geographic had a great post about the top ten issues facing the National Parks.

Here's their list:

1. Untold Stories
2. Crumbling History
3. Wildlife Management
4. Foreign Invaders
5. Adjacent Development
6. Climate Change
7. Water Issues
8. Air Pollution
9. Transportation Problems
10. Visitor Experience

What do you think of their list? And the big question is, do you visit National Parks? If so, which ones?

I mainly visit Mount Rainier National Park. That's because it's close to my location and is an awesome location. I love that park and all that it has to offer. This summer the Northern Rangers will be backpacking the Wonderland Trail around Mount Rainier. Complete with videos and posts.

1 comment:

  1. One other issue is the entry of people who will vandalize and litter the park. This is one of the biggest threats to parks in my opinion!
